Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cat - Your Pets and Your Guardian Angel

If you are like most people, you consider your pets to be part of your family. You love them and receive much love in return, and you distress when they become ill or lost for even a short time. Below I'm going to give you some unique suggestions on lowering your stress level when events seem to be worrisome or even in crises situations with those lovable family members.

About ten years ago, in reading spiritual articles and books, I kept noticing the word "benevolent" used in stories about Guardian Angels and their relationship to us. One day I read a suggestion to request benevolent outcomes for events in your life. I decided to try it out, and was amazed how PERFECTLY it worked for everything, from small requests such as a parking spot next to a busy restaurant or a seat on the subway to the really important situations in my business and personal life. After having made these requests between 10,000 and 15,000 times over the years, I am firmly convinced that our Guardian Angels are there to assist us in living more gentle lives. We just have to ask.

So how do we utilize these requests with our pets? As an example, one of my dogs, Sandy, will roam the neighborhood if we accidentally leave the gate open, which certainly at the very least could mean the permanent loss of a sweet, lovable dog. When this happens, I have immediately requested out loud, "I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for finding Sandy safe and sound. Thank you." You always thank your Guardian Angel and make these requests with emotion, as that works best. Requesting a Benevolent Outcome always takes the stress and worry away, as I KNOW that I'm going to find her.

When it's time to add a pet into your family, you say, "I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for finding the perfect pet for our family. Thank you." When you go to an animal shelter, possibly one of the attendants points out a pet that just arrived that morning, even just a few minutes before you arrived. Or you will just be drawn to one particular animal that in your heart you know is the perfect companion for your family. Even before you go, one of your friends calls to tell you about a new litter. Your Guardian Angel works in amazing ways, and I can assure you it's FUN to sit back and see how the pieces of the puzzle come together when you make requests for MBO's (as I call them). Just remember that requesting Benevolent Outcomes has to be benevolent for all concerned.

Next, you can request a Benevolent Outcome for choosing the right food and vitamins for your pet. And you can request a Benevolent Outcome for visits to the veterinarian. When your pet is sick, that can really cause you to be concerned and worry for their welfare. One lady told me how her cat was recently in distress, so she took her cat to the veterinarian and requested a MBO that the cat would be fine. She was greatly relieved to be told by the vet that it was an easy problem to treat.

One of our previous female dogs had a parvo type disease that is fatal 99 out of 100 times. We requested a Benevolent Outcome for her recovery, and then had the "inspiration" to start feeding her large amounts of the same vitamin E we took for our health. Her blood count slowly increased to the point where she completely recovered.

I'm going to give you something else that works when you see an animal on TV that has been injured, tortured, or trapped. You can feel quite frustrated that you can't help that animal in person. But you can say out loud, "I ask that any and all beings come to the aid of this animal and comfort, aid, and assist this animal in any and all ways. Thank you." These requests are not acted upon by your Guardian Angel, but by other Angelic beings, and INSTANTLY. You do not limit the request to humans, as it could be other animals or Angelic beings that actually physically assist that animal in distress. Then you will feel better that at least you did what you could to aid that animal. This confidence will be higher if you have been requesting Benevolent Outcomes in your life, so you know from direct experience and knowledge that making these requests really work!

Your life with your pet companions will be much less stressful and worry-free when you request Benevolent Outcomes from the time that you decide to add them to your family and all through their lives with you. I wish you all a Good Life!

copyright 2006. Tom Moore is an entertainment industry CEO, who distributes motion pictures and TV programs internationally. His book, The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe in Angels (ISBN # 1-891824-60-0, Light Technology) gives many more suggestions for requesting Benevolent Outcomes. Visit his website at

Article Source:

Cat - 10 Essential Pregnant Cat Care Tips

1. Keep your pregnant cat indoors.
Don't expose an expecting kitty to danger. But there are more reasons. Some queens go into heat even during pregnancy. Cats are capable of being pregnant of two different litters at the same time. And of course, a pregnant cat should not give birth in a cold place outside.

2. Give your kitty the right food.
It should be high on calcium and protein. Kitten food is specially designed to meet the need of pregnant and nursing felines. Vitamin supplements are recommended too.

3. Do not give any medication during pregnancy.
A pregnant cat should get medication only in emergency. The same goes for deworming products, or products against fleas. If she has worms or fleas, first consult your vet.

4. Make your cat a comfortable nest bed.
A box filled with newspaper usually does the trick. Put in a warm sheltered place, preferably a location your cat frequently visits. Make sure all is ready two weeks before birth.

5. Find a home for your kittens - before they are born.
It will give you peace of mind to know where the kittens will go. Finding a home for a kitty can be time consuming. You'll have more time for that before they are born.

6. Use non-clumping litter for her box.
Sometimes cats give birth in the litter box. If a kitten is delivered in clumping litter, the mother kitty might refuse to clean her newborn off as the clump is all over the sac. And the baby drowns in its own fluid.

7. Keep other cats away from her.
You have more than one kitty? Your pregnant cat wants privacy. She doesn't like the company of other cats during this period, even if she knows these cats very well.

8. Buy enough food for your kitty... and you.
You should have no reason to leave your kitty alone on the days before and after birth.

9. Check which vet is available.
Have a piece of paper with the phone number of the closest emergency veterinary clinic. If there's no such clinic in your area, find out which vet is available for emergency care. One phone call to a local vet is usually enough.

10. Get the right information about cat pregnancy.
Only if you understand what you see and hear, you will be able to recognize complications. Plus... there are many problems you can solve yourself, if you know how. So, do not panic. Get the right information instead.

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